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New Identity Success Stories
Names and locations have been changed to protect personal privacy.

Sam was a unemployed accountant who was sure that he had found on the job of his dreams. This job had everything. A rapidly growing company, a flexible work schedule which included two days a week at home and their offices were incredible. And to top it all off, the salary was double what he expected. He quickly snapped up the job.

But after a few months on the job Sam began to notice some strange things going on. Limousines would come and go at odd hours. Well dressed men walked in and out carrying large briefcases. And there were problems with the books. When Sam asked about several large checks that appeared very irregular, he was told to mind his own business and get back to work. Other money problems surfaced. The President of the company had placed his entire family, including his small children, on the payroll at generous salaries yet none of them ever showed up at the office! Sam didn’t dare ask about them. Nor did he ever say anything about the second set of "cooked" books he knew the owner kept.

Eventually Sam came to the conclusion that he was working for a mob-owned business and he wanted out! So, he calmly went out and found another job. When he presented his mob boss with the usual two week notice letter, the boss laughed out loud and flung the letter back at Sam saying “you don’t tell me when you quit, I tell you - now get back to work! ” Sam was sick with worry. But what could he do? A friend told Sam about “How to Create a New Identity.

Using this step-by-step plan, Sam was able to create a new identity and move to another state during a holiday weekend where he started a new life without fear of his mob boss showing up. He now holds an honest (though somewhat lower paying) position with a respected firm.

Being born in rural Mississippi, Emma was no stranger to the Klu Klux Klan. Like most southern blacks, she steered clear of them and kept her mouth shut about anything she knew involving their activities. Until one hot July night. Around midnight three Klansmen showed up at her neighbor’s house. They had a young black boy staying with them, a nephew of the neighbor, and apparently the boy had said something disrespectful to a local white girl. They beat the poor boy into a coma from which he never emerged. Even though Emma was 62 years old, when no one else would, she decided that she had to take a stand.

She invited a reporter from a local paper to pay her a visit during which she revealed everything she saw and heard that terrible night. When asked if she wasn’t scared to speak out she said no, she was too old and “too close to the Lord” to be afraid. She wisely attracted enough attention to herself so that the Klan had to leave her be. But they did manage to make her life a living hell. After several months of death threats, Emma knew she had to get out of town. But where could she go? All her friends and relatives were in right there in Mississippi.

Armed with the information in “How to Change Your Identity”, Emma was able to change her name and move to a small town in another state where she will live out her “golden years” without fear.

John felt that something was missing from his life. When a friend at work suggested he attend a free lecture on how to lead a happier life, he jumped at the chance. Everyone in the group seemed to enjoy John being there and was eager to make him feel at home. He eagerly joined their outfit but as the months passed it became clear that the group was more interested in John's money than his happiness. They began to lean on John to pledge larger and larger sums. Suddenly, one night they blatantly demanded that he sign a promissory note for $10,000! He stalled for time, excused himself to go to the bathroom and snuck out of the building as fast as he could! He hoped that would be the end of it.

Unfortunately, these cults don’t give up quite so easily. They called John so many times that he had to have his phone number unlisted. Then they threatened to use what they knew about John to black mail him if he didn’t pay up. When he refused, all sorts of bad things began to happen. They sent a forged arrest report to his boss. The IRS notified him that he was being audited. He started receiving threatening phone calls late at night.

Through the plan revealed in “How to Create a New Identity” John was able to say good-bye to his cult for good. Not only that, he’s now an active member of an anti-cult recovery group that helps cult members escape from these money mad outfits.

Peter, a middle aged man with conservative political views is particularly fearful of what the government might do at some point in the future. He feels that the best way to protect his freedom and the freedom of his family against the rapid expansion of federal powers is to create a clean alternative identity. By stashing the new ID documents along with $15,000 in cash in a safety deposit box he'll always have a “fallback” identity he can activate at any time. (We’re getting more and more customers like Peter these days)

Using the procedures discussed in the report Peter was able to obtain a full set of genuine ID documents including a new birth certificate, drivers license, two major credit cards and even a passport in an entirely new name. Now he can rest assured that whatever the government thinks of Peter, he can quickly and easily shed his old identity, adopt a new one and start an entirely new life free from government harassment.

Jim had been married to Susan for three relatively happy years. And then it all went wrong. Susan began to hear voices where they were none. She also began to spend money like it was going out of style. Despite being a life-long teetotaler, Susan began to drink heavily. Jim spent a small fortune on psychiatrists and doctors but after three long and difficult years he finally gave up and filed for divorce. Susan wasn't quite so flexible.

Susan began to stalk and harass Jim. She would drive by his house and shout and beep her horn at all hours. She would suddenly appear wherever Jim went. At the mall, in parking lots and once she actually sat right behind Jim and a date at a movie. After several months of court appearances, Jim managed to obtain a restraining order which had no effect whatever on Susan's behavior.

When Jim packed up and moved to a city in another state he thought that would be the end of it, but it wasn't. It only took Susan six weeks to locate Jim once again. Then she picked right up where she left off, following and pestering Jim all over town.

Jim bought a copy of "Changing Your Identity" and was able to move away under an entirely new identity. It's been two years now and Susan hasn't yet been able to find Jim. Jim now has his freedom and has been able to rebuild his life in peace.

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